Pinatas = Guns

Hand GunSomeone posted a comment on my site that he bets I think guns kill people.

Is anyone so naive as to think they don’t? Every statistic has shown that when access to guns, hand guns in particular, is constrained or eliminated, violent crime, and deaths by violence, go down. It is incontrovertible, despite what the NRA says.

So yes, I think guns kill people.

And giving kids a pinata is like giving them a loaded gun and hoping nobody gets hurt.

4 thoughts on “Pinatas = Guns

  1. Guns don’t kill people, BULLETS kill people! Guns just tell the bullet to work, much like the human behind the gun tell it to launch the poor unsuspecting bullet out at insanely high speeds toward it’s untimely demise.

  2. Although many sports and recreational pursuits have their roots in violence, like pinata, darts, javelin, fencing, they are permissible and encouraged in our society.

    Is giving a kid a pinata similar to giving them a loaded gun? No. Giving them a pinata asks them to make a distinction between “real” and “imaginary.” If the child is developmentally slow, or too young to understand that beating a fake donkey and a real donkey are too different things, it’s likely someone will get hurt. The gun thing though, that almost always a disaster, trust me.

  3. Brian, the difference between the sports you mention and piñatas are that those sports are typically enjoyed by adults, or by older children.

    Piñatas are typically available at parties for very small children. Would you give darts or a fencing sword to a 4 year old? Probably not.

    Part of the problem with piñatas is that they are given to children who really can’t distinguish between real and not-real that well. They still believe in Santa, think Elmo is a real person, and don’t understand why knocking around someone with a stick won’t disgorge a bunch of candy.

    Thanks for writing, and glad you agree about guns being bad!

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