Gang Bangers Bang Pinatas

A recent sociology study by UCLA students and faculty that is currently being submitted for publication found that nearly 60% of Los Angeles area gang members had participated in pinata parties as youths. The study also found that most gang members incorporated pinatas into their ongoing criminal activities.

Examples included:

  • shooting at pinatas with shotguns while blindfolded
  • using captured members of rival gangs as pinatas, assailing gang members would hand one of their own a bat, blindfold him, send him after the “pinata” and yell out the customary “arriba” and “abajo” to make it easier to hit the suspended “pinata” gang member
  • using pinata parties as recruitment tools for young gang members

Personally, I find this behavior both despicable and unsurprising. It corroborates Dr. Hans Fischman’s 2005 study on pinatas as “gateway violence” and proves once again the link between pinatas and violent behavior. Once the study is published, I don’t know how the city and county governments in Orange County will be able to continue to refuse the call for banning pinatas. 

source: Jason Crawley, student researcher on the paper, UCLA

Injured Animals

A recent report documented over 36,000 cases of pinata related violence against animals in 2005 that were reported to animal shelters, vets, and animal welfare groups. Most incidents resulted in broken bones, maimed or damaged eyes and ears, and long term socialization problems. Over 14%, however, resulted in death.  

Some other interesting statistics in the report: 

Average age of animal beater: 11 

Most commonly beaten animal: Cat 

Second most commonly beaten animal: Tropical Birds 

Most beatings took place within 48 of the perpetrators’ exposure to a pinata.  

source: Orange County Humane Society report to city council on causes of animal abuse, Feb 2006 

Pinatas are everywhere

My daughter went to a birthday party today – and what a surprise – there was a pinata. Naturally, I didn’t let her play and discretely told some of the parents I didn’t know what happened to me. The hostess was…less than sympathetic. In fact, she even thought it would be fun to “pretend” to swing the pinata bat at me and encouraged the other gueests to tease me about it. Needless to say my daughter will no longer be playing with her daughter…

Grand Theft Pinata

A reader just sent me a report about a masked robber who held up an ethnic foods store in Hudson, Wisconsin, stealing over 40 pinatas. The robber forced Arturo Gomez, the store clerk, to load the pinatas into the back of his truck at shotgun point. The remains of the pinatas were later found near a popular hunting spot, riddled with shotgun pellets and surrounded by beer bottles.

Gee, a pinata lover who holds people up at shotgun point…

Make your own Pinata!

Instead of buying and bashing in a pinata you buy from a local tienda, why don’t you and your kids have a pinata making party? Paper mache is a great kids activity, each kid can have a pinata of their own to take home and be proud of, and the candy kids usually get by destroying a pinata can be given out as prizes for making the pinatas. Think of fun categories like “most colorful” or “craziest animal!”

Click here for a great website with instructions on how to make your own pinatas in paper mache.